116 Bali, the Hindu Island

Tigers Guard Temple

Tigers Guard Temple

Shrines and Temples, small to large are everywhere. We heard that more than 90 percentof locals  are Hindu. Nyepi celebration begins today with sacrificial ritual that we didn’t see. Authorities require that all people in Bali stay indoors, make no noise and turn out lights for the 30 hour duration. Harbors and airports are closed. Beginning at midnight the day is set aside for silence, fasting, meditation and self-reflection. Anyone caught outside will be returned to their place by the Pecalang, Security Force.  Non-Hindus also observe the day in respect for fellow citizens.

Water Blessing, preparing for Nyepi

Comments (2)

Phil SalazarApril 4th, 2009 at 9:03 am

When in Indonesia don’t for get to say Apa Kabar.
Saya orang dari dikat hollywood

adminApril 6th, 2009 at 3:58 am

Hey 2 fiddles

Hope what you’re telling us to say isn’t derog. Don’t want to get beat up! HOw’s it going?

Lookin’ forward to some BLUE GRASS when we get back home.

Pat & CAt