153 Little India and China Town

Fish-Head Noodle House

Fish-Head Noodle House

China Towns are China Towns, same-same in most places. I post this photo for my friend Joel. He sent and e-mail and asked if we’d had enough fish and rice. Well, how’s about a little fish-head soup and noodles for a change?

Walking through these streets reminds us of the great diversity of this place. There are different languages, looks and smiles but we were reminded that this is a true melting pot when Cat said, “He is Indian” about a guy we met and the woman said, “No, mam, he is Malaysian, for sure!”

Then there was that LIP BURNING Chicken Marsala.

Hindu Temple, Cell Call

Hindu Temple, Cell Call

Little India is like all Little Indias. Aside from the lip burning chicken marsala there’s the Temple. I’ve been to India and this has some similarity. Although they have statues of the Brahma I’m not sure that they attach the same importance to them, here. They certainly aren’t laying in the streets.
Our visit to the Temple was interesting. One of the best juxtapose photos has to be this guy, sitting n lotus position and talking on his cell phone. Well even ancient cultures are allowed to enjoy the comforts of today, right? 



Fueling the Rickshaw

Fueling the Rickshaw

China Town Line
China Town Line

Comments (2)

Hi, interesting post. I have been pondering this issue,so thanks for posting. I’ll certainly be coming back to your site.

adminMay 2nd, 2009 at 3:03 am

Hey, riding bicyle in this heat will cause weight loss whether you want it or not. It’s all about exercise and diet. You must connsume fewer calories than you burn!
Pat & Cat