055 Play Chicken with a BUS?

Chicken Bus

Chicken Bus

A lost short cut we then at the round about we found ourselves on Marcos Highway. The paved shoulder disappeared at Urdaneta town. We were thrust into a swarm of jeepnys, buses, trucks and cars. For 10 Ks of treachery without room to move the drivers were fairly kind to us. Then came Mr. Chicken. An oncoming bus pulled out to pass and filled our lane. He saw us but didn’t slow or pull back in. The look on his face and his blaring horn convinced us that we’d lose. As we jumped down the 6 inch lip of pavement into rocks cat yelled, “That’s it, I’ve had it” If you can’t beat em’ join em! So we did.


A Friend, CAlvin & Kelian

A Friend, CAlvin & Kelian

 We pushed and rode, when able, to the local bus depot. There we had to take the bikes apart to get aboard. It was almost dark by the time we reached our original goal of Tarlac. There was a Gran Prix Hotel at the station. Cat checked the room. Adequate. A great young guy, Calvin, “Like Calvin Klein,” he said, worked like crazy helping get the bikes stored and the bags to our little room.
We took a moto-tricycle ride to the Super Market for wine then dined on fast food from the station, in our room. Not exactly as planned but, a tough day but not too bad.