252 Millionaires-Billionaires

111-millionairessThe exchange rate is 18,800 Dong for $1.00 US Dollar. So, easy to figure, 100,000 Dong is less than $6.00. That means a million is about $58 US. So we became billionaires.

Maybe the best of it is that prices are very reasonable. In fact meals are cheap. We go to a decent restaurant and pay as little as $9.00 for 2 good meals. Wine? That’s a different story. Of course all but one brand of wine is imported hence more expensive. The Vietnamese wine isn’t bad but we prefer Jacob’s Creek from Australia. It ranges from $12 to $18 per bottle.

There are cheap hotels, too but we try to stay in the 2 to 3 star places. They run $35 to $65. Hey, back home even the Motel 6 costs more than $35.